Facebook, the world famous social media site connect people together. Here people can find their mates, friends, colleague and share their feelings, picture, video with others. Facebook also introduce Facebook page to create Fan page, Product marketing page, company or organization page, community page etc.
There are many type of page regarding their uses and perspective. But objective to create Facebook page is common that is connect with people and introduce about us. Fan page is for famous artist, musician, player etc. where they share their updates and picture with their fan. Similarly if the page creates for any organization or company, their employee and well wishers can get any new information about the company or organization and share their personal opinion.
The most common thing for Facebook page is “Like” when someone wants to be member of any specific page, he just need to click on like of that page. Then he will get all updates from that page and can comments on page timeline or wall.
In Facebook page, administrator, who create the page have all access to modify any internal matter. There is good news for all page admin because Facebook authority has decide to change the look of all Facebook pages from March 30, 2012 and onward.
The new page design is finalize by Facebook authority and you can Preview your page now to see what it looks like and try out the new features.
Its basically look like new timeline look. So if you are admin of Facebook Page you may try on it and if you publish it you can't rollback to old view as like Facebook timeline.
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